Lionel Messi of Argentina is considered by many football critics and commentators as the most outstanding player of the game at this point in time. He might have only managed 13 strikes in 41
appearances for his country but he has performed stunningly for Barcelona. He led the club adroitly after scoring 38 goals in 51 total appearances while also lending constructive support 18 other goals. Messi is a delight to watch and his negotiating skills are unmatched by any other player. Messi's game relies on its unpredictability and masterly control of the ball. Standing 5-foot-7 tall, Messi is also a good header. The Argentina manager Diego Maradona, one of the best of all times footballer, has named Messi as his successor and as Argentina's football savior. This is indeed a great honor for
Messi. Messi is a field genius who can shatter any defense off the dribble and prefers playing out wide and cutting in on his left foot.